Society Library

Catalogues held at St Michael's Church Hall include:

SG Simplified Stamps of the World Vol 1 2014
SG Simplified Stamps of the World Vol 2 2014
SG Simplified Stamps of the World Vol 3 2014
SG Simplified Stamps of the World Vol 4 2014
SG Simplified Stamps of the World Vol 5 2014
SG Simplified Stamps of the World Vol 6 2014
SG Part 1 British Commonwealth2014
SG Part 1 British Commonwealth2012
SG Part 2 (Austria & Hungary) 7th Edition2009
SG Part 3 (Balkans) 5th Edition2009
SG Part 4 (Benelux) 6th Edition2010
SG Part 6 (France) 7th Edition2010
SG Part 7 (Germany) 9th Edition2011
SG Part 8 (Italy & Switzerland) 7th Edition2010
SG Part 9 (Spain & Portugal) 2014
SG Part 10 (Russia) 6th edition2008
SG Part 11 (Scandanavia) 6th Edition2008
SG Part 17 (China) 8th Edition2011
SG Part 19 (Middle East) 7th Edition2009
Barefoot GB Revenues 4th Edition2002
Barefoot Commonwealth Revenues 7th Edition2002
SG GB Concise2012
GB Stoneham 2013

These can be borrowed (for a short period) by any member but must be signed out by that member. Catalogues not currently loaned out can be referenced at any Society meeting.

Th Library also includes a large range of books, pamphlets and other philatelic literature, which can also be borrowed by members. Books held at St Michael's Church Hall include:

Yet to be listed

Copyright © 2016 Reading & District Philatelic Society
Webmaster: Roger Sammons
Last Updated: 8 October 2016